Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Willow Grove Cemetery Manifesto

When I saw the list of locations for this project, the cemetery really stuck out to me. I thought it would be a great place to do this project since a cemetery in itself incorporates so many of the themes we have discussed in class. the most important being the fact that it is a heterotopia. after more research, we discovered that the cemetery is divided into three parts, three different cemeteries, creating more heterotopias. so there are three separate places inside another place.
another thing i find interesting about this place is that it's not an ordinary cemetery. when i visited, it was not peaceful and serene like you would picture a cemetery, but it was extremely noisy and so many things were happening around it. originally, willow grove cemetery was built in the center of the city, like most cemeteries used to be built, but because of urbanization and housing, there are buildings basically built on top of it. there are so many houses along the cemetery that don't really have a backyard, instead they have a cemetery. the noise that came from these houses and buildings were interesting. a few of the things you would hear are dogs barking, cars passing by, a neighbor blasting his radio, and ice cream truck... and then there's just noises that you would regularly hear in nature. it's strange that the cemetery is supposed to be its own separate space, but you hear all these noises that don't belong, noises from another place. i feel that any cemetery is supposed to be a private space which is detached from the regular, normal atmosphere of the busy city. instead, this cemetery is connected and is a part of the city and a part of the people. obviously, the neighbors are used to having a cemetery in their backyard, it seems like a cemetery means nothing to them and would not bring about any emotion to them. but for those who do not have to look outside their windows and see a cemetery everyday, it is something that is special to them in a way, or sacred even. in this way, this cemetery is very much connected to the people of new brunswick, and the city itself.
the reading, a different city for a different life, is like our project in how it deals with how urbanization has decayed what is supposed to be sacred and kind of beautiful- the cemetery. it's interesting in how the reading talks about play and that there's not enough of it. because towards the back left of the willow grove cemetery there is a "playground" right behind it. this is a really bad excuse for a playground as it is just a slide with some bars. and it's also looking over the cemetery, which is nice for the children i guess.


  1. Agreed. Our site was not the typical cemetery that one goes to drop flowers off at and pay their respects to the dead. It breaks the boundaries and adds many complex layers to what behaviors take place within its fences. The cemetery made I think showed all of our group and those who experienced our walk a deeper side of what respect is and how human actions are essentially happen in a domino effect as we saw with all the destruction.

  2. I'm glad you the cemetery stuck out to you. If it hadn't, we wouldn't have had a project.
